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  Journal --2020, 33 (3)   Published: 27 September 2020

Molecularly imprinted polymer solid phase extracts resveratrol from peanut rhizome

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 1-7.
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Resveratrol (RES) was used as a template molecule, α-methacrylic acid (MAA) was used as a functional monomer, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) was used as a crosslinker to synthesize resveratrol molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres in a molar ratio of 1∶4∶25. The material was dissolved in methanol, and the resveratrol molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres were synthesized by precipitation polymerization. The synthetic molecularly imprinted microsphere was used as a filler for the solid-phase extraction column to prepare a resveratrol molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction column. Finally, the optimal adsorption conditions of the column were investigated, and the solid-phase extraction column was used to separate and purify the resveratrol in peanut rhizome. The results showed that the molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction column had excellent adsorption effect on resveratrol with the imprinted factor of 1.62. The purity of isolated and purified resveratrol was 92.5%, and the recovery was 76.2%. It is indicated that the purification and purification of resveratrol in peanut rhizome by molecular imprinting technique is important to increase the added value of peanuts. The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the comprehensive utilization of peanut waste.

Curing reaction kinetics of C36 dimerized fatty acid based unsaturated polyester resin

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 8-17.
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Increasing environmental pollution and the depletion of resources have led industrial and academic circles to focus on the development of renewable resource materials. Vegetable oils and their derivatives are potential raw materials for polymers. Therefore, the curing kinetics of new grease-based resins It is instructive. To in-depth understand the chemical reactions involved in the synthesis and curing of C36 dimer fatty acid-base unsaturated polyester resin, the curing process was studied by FT-IR, 1H NMR and differential scanning calorimetry. The results of FT-IR and 1H NMR analysis of the polyester showed that the C36-DFA modified polyester was successfully synthesized by polycondensation reaction. TGA analysis showed that the DFA-UPR exhibited a relatively high decomposition temperature of 197.83 ℃. At the same time, the thermal weight loss rate of DFA-UPR at Tm2 temperature is 39.56%/℃, which is 30.13% lower than that of UPR.According to the Kissinger method and the Crane method, the activation energies of the DFA-UPR and UPR resin systems were 32.99 kJ/mol and 33.68 kJ/mol, respectively; the reaction order fluctuated around 0.85, and the pre-exponential factors were 1.89×104 and 3.11×104, respectively. The DFA-UPR resin curing reaction conforms to the Sesta'k-Berggren autocatalytic model.

Synthesis and characterization of eugenol polysiloxane based on “protection-deprotection” method

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 18-23.
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In order to synthesize phenolic polysiloxane with stable phenolic hydroxyl content and reactivity, Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) and tert-butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS) were used as the protectant of phenolic hydroxyl of eugenol. After protecting, eugenol was reacted with hydrogen-terminated polysiloxane under the platinum catalyst through hydrosilylation reaction. Eugenol polysiloxane was finally obtained after removing protectant under glacial acetic acid or hydrochloric acid. The protective effect of HMDS and TBDMS on eugenol phenolic hydroxyl under HMDS and TBDMS these both different conditions and its deprotection effect in glacial acetic acid and hydrochloric acid were discussed. The results showed that, compared with TBDMS, the protective effect of HMDS protectant was better. Without solvent and catalyst, the protective effect of HMDS on eugenol had achieved 100% when the reaction temperature was 40 ℃. Adding solvent, acidic catalyst or heating had inhibition effect on this eugenol protection reaction. Compared with acetic acid methanol solution, hydrochloric acid methanol solution was more effective on deprotection reaction of phenolic hydroxyl and its yield reached 94.3%. The characterization of the production by nuclear magnetic resonance hydrogen spectrum and infrared spectrum analyses indicated that eugenol polysiloxane was prepared successfully.

Cloning and expression profiling of HIF-1α gene in goose

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 24-32.
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Hypoxia inducible factor-1(HIF-1) is a transcription factor found in hypoxic cells, which plays a key role in the regulation of oxygen balance in vivo. Hypoxia inducing factor 1a(HIF-1α) is a key regulator of HIF-1 activation, which participates in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation and apoptosis. In order to further understand the hypoxia response system of Magang goose, this study designed primers by referring to the sequence of HIF-1α gene published on NCBI, and successfully cloned the HIF-1α gene mRNA, obtained the complete ORF sequence of HIF-1α, with a total length of 2 403 bp, which can encode 800 amino acids. The results showed that the structure of HIF-1α gene in Magang goose was conservative, and the homology of HIF-1α gene in poultry was high, and the highest homology with chicken was 94.1%. The protein structure showed that the main body contained helix loop helix, HLH, PAs(per Arnt SIM), PAC(motif C-terminal to PAS motifs) and other domains are consistent with the structural characteristics of HIF-1α protein. The results of tissue expression difference analysis show that HIF-1α gene is mainly expressed high in lung and pancreas, low in muscle and almost no expression in trachea.

Preparation and modification of cellulose emulsion in low eutectic solvent system

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 33-38.
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In order to study the pre-treatment and application effect of modified cellulose, two low eutectic solvents, choline chloride/urea and choline chloride/glycerol, were synthesized by mixed heating method. Their structures and compositions were determined by infrared spectroscopy. It was found that the solubility of cellulose was higher in low eutectic solvent of choline chloride/urea system with molar ratio of 1∶2. A stable W/O emulsion was prepared by using liquid paraffin as continuous phase and cellulose dissolved in low eutectic solvent as dispersing phase. The volume ratio of continuous phase to dispersed phase was 1∶2, the amount of emulsifier Span80 was 10% of oil phase, and the high efficiency homogenization was used to obtain long-lasting and stable emulsion. The structure, surface morphology and thermal stability of cellulose emulsion treated by low eutectic solvent and cellulose modified by citric acid were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. It was found that the treatment of cellulose by low eutectic solvent destroyed the hydrogen bond in cellulose to a certain extent, reduced the crystallinity of cellulose, and made its surface rough. The cellulose modified by citric acid presented chaotic and complex appearance. Heterogeneous stacking indicates that there is a strong interaction between carboxylic acid and cellulose. Thermal performance analysis showed that the thermal stability of cellulose treated with low eutectic solvent and cellulose modified with citric acid was better than that of cellulose raw materials.

Modification of mesoporous silica MCM-41 and its adsorption on the pesticide acetamiprid

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 39-48.
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In order to reduce pesticide residues and improve the adsorption capacity of mesoporous silicon. Amino-modified mesoporous silicon (NH2-MCM-41) and salicylaldehyde-modified mesoporous silicon (Sal-MCM-41) were prepared by a one-step method. Salicylaldimine-modified mesoporous silica supported metal ions (Zn2+-Sal-MCM-41, Cu2+-Sal-MCM-41 and Mn2+-Sal-MCM-41) and NH2-MCM-41 adsorbed the model drug acetamiprid, which builded an acetamiprid/NH2-MCM-41 and an acetamiprid/metal ion-Sal-MCM-41 composite system. The structure of mesoporous silicon was characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nitrogen adsorption desorption (BET). Learning and thermodynamics explored the adsorption behavior of mesoporous silicon. The results show that the two modified mesoporous silicas have an ordered structure. The adsorption capacity of MCM-41 on acetamiprid was 0.091 g/g, and the adsorption capacity of Mn2+-Sal-MCM-41 was 0.161 g/g. The adsorption kinetics and adsorption thermodynamics of MCM-41 before and after modification on acetamiprid were in accordance with the quasi-first-order kinetic model and the Freundlich model. After the modified mesoporous silicon was loaded with metal ions, the adsorption amount of the model pesticide acetamiprid increases, which can increase the role of mesoporous silicon in pesticide adsorption and help the application of mesoporous silicon in pesticide residue treatment.

Preparation of cellulose-epoxy soybean oil composite film by infiltration method

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 49-55.
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In order to decrease the defects of cellulose film that is damped easily and poorly tough, the cellulose-epoxy soybean oil composite film (ESO-RC) was prepared by penetrates epoxy soybean oil into the wet cellulose membrane with its porous structure which was prepared by total cellulose extracted from gabasse. The effect of curing agent phthalic anhydrous (PA), catalyst N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine (BDMA) and solvent acetone dosage on the mechanical properties and water vapor transmission rate of the composite film was performed. And the film was characterized by fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), X-raydiffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The results show that the dialysis method can produce a cellulose-epoxy soy oil composite film with uniform structure. Compared with the cellulose film, the tensile strength of the composite film was decreased, the toughness was enhanced, and the water vapor transmission rate (WVP) was reduced from 29.48 g·m-1s-1Pa-1×10-11 to a minimum of 3.08 g·m-1s-1Pa-1×10-11. And the water sensitivity was reduced, the internal structure becomes dense.

Preparation of polydimethylsiloxane epoxy acrylate

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 56-63.
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To investigate the optimal reaction conditions for the preparation of photosensitive polydimethylsiloxane epoxy acrylate (PESA), the PESA was synthesized through the addition reaction of poly(diphenylsiloxane) with two terminal epoxy bonds (EPDMS) and Acrylate (AA) under catalyst of addition. The conversion of epoxy groups in EPDMS was determined by means of measuring the mass fraction of epoxy groups using epoxy titration method.Then, the effects of catalyst type, reaction time, reaction temperature, catalyst dosage, and molar ratio of epoxy and AA on the conversion ratio of epoxy groups were investigated. By fourier transform infrared spectrum(FT-IR)and nuclear magnetic resonance(1H-NMR), the structure of the products were characterized. It showed that the PESA was synthesized successfully, the optimal reaction conditions was using tetraethyl ammonium bromide as reaction catalyst, and the reaction time of 4 h, reaction temperature of 110 ℃,Catalyst dosages of 1.0%(relative to quality of EPDMS),and molar ratio of epoxy and AA of 1.04∶1.00. The conversion rate of epoxy groups in EPDMS was 99.81%.

Separation and purification of mixed salt from high salt wastewater in electroplating industry

Journal . 2020, 33 (3): 64-71.
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The utilization of high-salt wastewater is an important direction for the treatment of heavy pollution in the electroplating industry. In order to explore the separation of mixed salt from high-salt wastewater by induced crystallization, the conditions of induced crystallization in simulated salt solution were investigated, and the results showed that the best condition for cooling and crystallization of sodium sulfate solution is pH 6, adding 0.04% analytical pure sodium sulfate particles; the best condition to induce evaporation and crystallization of saturated sodium chloride solution is to add 0.01% quartz sand crystal at pH 5. According to the optimal crystallization conditions, the mixed salt of high-salt wastewater is subjected to cycle-induced crystallization. Studies have shown that the purity of two products, purified sodium sulfate and sodium chloride, can reach 99.98% and 98.81% after 30 cycles.
Copyright © Journal of Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering 
Supported by: Beijing Magtech