摘要 探讨以疏浚土为种植基质时,氮、磷、钾肥配施对皇竹草生长和养分吸收的影响,筛选出最合适的肥料配比,揭示皇竹草(Pennisetum hydridum)的需肥规律,为皇竹草在疏浚土上的高效栽培、疏浚土的科学合理处置及复垦提供理论依据.以疏浚土为供试土壤,皇竹草为种植材料开展盆栽试验,设置氮、磷、钾3因素,每个因素3个水平,测定不同施肥处理中皇竹草株高、叶片数、干质量等生长指标和全株吸收量等养分指标.结果表明,配方施肥能够显著提高皇竹草的株高、生物量及氮磷钾养分吸收量(P<0.05).S4处理(每株施1.41 g N、0.83 g P2O5、0.5 g K2O)的株高,叶片数,总生物量,全株氮、磷、钾吸收量分别较CK增加了59.87%、68.39%、378.46%、455.54%、433.79%、454.37%.不同施肥处理效果的综合评价结果显示,S4(N2P1K2)为最理想的施肥配方,该配方能显著促进皇竹草的生长和养分吸收,促进皇竹草在疏浚土中的生长.合理的氮磷钾配施能够提高皇竹草生物量及养分吸收量,促进皇竹草在疏浚土中的生长.
Abstract:The effects of N, P and K fertilizer application on the growth and nutrient absorption of Pennisetum hydridum were discussed when using dredged soil as the planting substrate, and the most suitable fertilizer ratio was screened out, the fertilizer demand law of Pennisetum hydridum was revealed, and the theoretical basis was provided for the efficient cultivation of Pennisetum hydridum on dredged soil, scientific and reasonable disposal and reclamation of Dredging soil.The dredged soil was used as the test soil and Pennisetum hydridum was used as the planting material to carry out the potting test. Three factors of N, P and K were set up at three levels for each factor. Growth indicators such as plant height, leaf number, dry weight and nutrient absorption of the whole plant were measured under different fertilization treatments. The results showed that formula fertilization could significantly increase the plant height, biomass and N, P and K nutrient uptake(P<0.05). The plant height, leaf number, total biomass, N, P and K uptake of the whole plant increased by 59.87%, 68.39%, 378.46%, 455.54%, 433.79% and 454.37% respectively compared with CK under S4 treatment(1.41 g N, 0.83 g P2O5 and 0.5 g K2O per plant). The comprehensive evaluation results of different fertilization treatment effects showed that S4(N2P1K2) was the most ideal fertilization formula, which could significantly promote the growth and nutrient absorption of Pennisetum hydridum, and promote the growth of Pennisetum hydridum in the dredged soil. Reasonable combined application of N, P and K can increase the biomass and nutrient absorption of Pennisetum hydridum, and promote the growth of Pennisetum hydridum in dredged soil.