摘要 社区支持农业(Community Support Agriculture,CSA)作为一种全新的生态农业形式和解决食品安全问题的有效途径,强调有机、环境友好的耕作方式,是一种以生产者与消费者相互支持为核心的本地化生产与消费模式.CSA作为一种新兴的农业生产方式在我国快速发展,但也客观出现了一些比较突出的问题.从CSA的产生背景、内涵、发展现状、存在的问题及对策等方面,对CSA相关文献资料进行详细梳理,深入了解CSA的研究进展,以期推动CSA的发展.
Abstract:Community support agriculture(CSA) is a new form of ecological agriculture and an effective way to solve food safety problems, CSA emphasizes organic and environmentally friendly farming methods, and is a localized production and consumption mode with producers and consumers as the core. As an emerging agricultural production mode, CSA is developing rapidly in China, but some prominent problems appear objectively. This paper sorted out the relevant literature of CSA in detail based on the background, connotation, developmental status, existing problems and countermeasures of CSA. By deeply understanding the research progress of CSA, the current study help to promote the development of CSA.