Abstract The yield traits of waxy maize (Zea mays L.var. ceratina Kulesh) per plant are controlled by multiple genes, and the traits also interact with each other. 15 fresh-eating waxy maize hybrid combinations from Guangdong Province were used as materials, plant height, ear height, leaf number, leaf number above ear, ear leaf length, ear leaf width, stem diameter, ear length, bald length, ear diameter, rows per ear, kernel number per row, cob diameter, fresh bud weight, ear weight, a total of 15 agronomic characters were investigated, and the correlation and path analysis was carried out. The results showed that ear length, cob diameter, plant height, leaf number and ear leaf width were significantly positively correlated with ear weight, and the correlation coefficients from large to small were as follows: ear length > cob diameter > leaf number > ear leaf width > plant height. Ear length, cob diameter, plant height, leaf number and ear leaf width were the key agronomic traits in waxy maize breeding.